Superfree Insurance Consultant Co. Ltd.
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2019-03 易連繫:自願醫療保險 VHIS 快將面世

你知道嗎,由政府食物及衛生局推動的 自願醫療保險計劃 Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme VHIS 將於 1/4/2019 正式面世。 涵蓋範圍是個人償款 (即實報實銷) 住院保險。 見附圖。
這是保險公司與市民自由參與的醫療保險計劃,認可計劃 (Certified Plan) 須經過自願醫保辦事處核准,但政府並沒有任何金錢上的資助 (除了投保人的一點稅務優惠)。
認可計劃 (certified plan) 分為兩類。 標準計劃 Standard Plan 及靈活計劃 Flexi Plan。 按我瞭解,目前還未有靈活計劃獲批。 
認可計劃其中以下幾個特點值得注意:1. 統一標準的保單條款與及保障額,保障範圍。 保險公司可以變動的甚少;2. 保險公司可自行釐定保費;3. 投保時保險公司可對投保人核保,亦可按個別情況增加不保事項,例如不承保高血壓及因而引致的疾病;4. 保證可續保至100歲;5. 合理地“不知道” 的已存在傷病,受保後四年後也可受保;6. 靈活計劃是在標準計劃上再加一點東西,但須經過自願醫保辦事處核准。
The Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) products certified by the Food and Health Bureau, HKSAR will be officially available in the market starting 1st April 2019. 
This is a voluntary participation scheme by insurance companies and consumers. While Certified Plans are approved by the VHIS Office, they are NOT subsidized by the Government (except tax incentives). The scope of VHIS is limited to individual indemnity hospital insurance products. See attached graph.
There are two categories of Certified Plans, namely Standard Plan and Flexi Plan. As far as I know, up to now, there have yet no Flexi Plan approved.
Among others, Certified Plans have the following features:1. Standardized policy terms and provisions, coverage and limits. Little variations are allowed,2. Insurance companies can set the premium,3. Insurance companies can underwrite the applicants before inception, and may add special terms and exclusions. Say, excluding hypertension and related complications,4. Guaranteed renewable up to age 100,5. Reasonably “unknown pre-existing” disabilities are covered after insured for four years6. Flexi Plan is adding something more on the Standard Plan, but subject to approval.
Is VHIS attractive ? At the moment, it doesn’t sound particularly appealing to consumers. However, I think it will take a few more years to have a clearer picture.
Do contact us to chat about it.

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